Kiranraj’s story
For me, being an IT Professional sure paid all the bills, but cooking is where my heart has always been! I started to cook as a teenager and have never stopped since.
My first experience of cooking large scale came at age 16, when I moved out for college and lived in Sri Ramkrishna Students’ Home. SRKS is a free boys hostel in Bangalore where instead of paying for room and board, students are expected to take care of all the housekeeping needs. For 3.5 years I happily took up kitchen duties which included cooking for 40 students on a daily basis!
Eventually when I moved to the US, I was always a preferred roommate because I fed them all delicious meals! Friday nights people flocked to my apartment with friends to enjoy some booze along with good food.
Life got busy after 2010 for me, for that’s when I married Nima! My dream now became our dream; as Nima was a foodie who loved to explore different tastes and textures. Her love for eating kept me on my toes during those initial days of marriage!
We moved around a lot. Every place we went, we made friends; who after a dinner party had only one thing to say, “Dude, you’re in the wrong profession!”
After moving to Canada too, I started to share my food love with friends. The idea to get into the food business and start something of my own was always there at the back of my mind.
Indian Curry Pot has been in the making through all these years. The idea has always traveled with us through all our moves; only getting stronger with every word of encouragement!
Finally in June 2022, the stars aligned and Indian Curry Pot was up and running. We met Christine Henderson, owner of “Christine’s Kitchen” located on Burnstown road, and fell in love with the set up. We knew now was the time to bring our long dreamed venture into fruition!
Indian Curry Pot opened to a successful weekend, grabbing attention of the locals as well as media people! And in the weeks to follow, we were completely sold out!
We work towards bringing the Renfrew community a diverse food option and hope to share the love for making and enjoying food just as we do!